An Easter Prayer and Playlist

Leafy Square Church Invite (1)

Dear God,

Your glory is not bound by time or limited by space. Your grace is not absent or insufficient. Your mercy is not prejudiced or failing. For this, we give thanks. Thank you for your consistent and everlasting love. Thank you for your greatness and your mercy. Thank you for your truth and your justice. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Thank you for your healing powers and hope. Thank you for your wonderful son Jesus and His love. Thank you for the cross and the resurrection.

Lord, we haven’t always been faithful, but you’ve still been good. We haven’t always trusted you, but you’ve never failed us. We haven’t always given you the thanks you deserve, but you still stand with us. We haven’t always given you praise, but you’ve still given us grace and mercy. Lord, we haven’t always embraced our salvation, but you’ve still held us close.

Lord, as we take time out to honor and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, we ask that you renew our commitment to your service. Only what we do for you will last, so Lord, give us the strength to do what’s required of us. Lord, people throughout your world are facing COVID19, but you are bigger. We ask that you give us peace during this pandemic. We ask that you calm anxieties and fears and replace them with sound minds. Lord, we pray for health, wellness, and healing for those afflicted with this virus. Lord, we pray for protection for essential workers and vulnerable populations. We ask for stronger bonds between families and communities during this time. We ask for protection and guidance for people in abusive homes. We ask for comfort for the grieving and lonely. We ask that you protect the minds and hearts of children.  We ask that you direct leaders who are designing policies on behalf of people throughout the world. Lord, we pray that this pandemic will help us embody what it means to live an abundant life and live with greater purpose and love.

We praise you for your love. As you strengthen our hearts, minds, and souls, guide us as we live out your love. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering our prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live”. John 11:25 

He Lives Playlist
