The Golden Promise by Henry Price

If people just followed the Golden Rule, life would be a whole lot easier. Most people know the Golden Rule well, “Treat others how you want to be treated”.

I personally would not like my mother or father to be insulted, so I don’t insult others. All you have to do to follow the Golden Rule is to think. It seems for some this is extremely difficult, but if you think about the outcomes of different situations, you can make better decisions based on past experiences. For example, if you get into a fight because you made fun of someone, don’t do it again. If you didn’t study and fail an exam, then study the next time.

Sometimes when people make bad decisions we protest. Whether it’s racism or a bad law, people protest. A protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.

For example, The March on Washington was a protest. The March on Washington was a huge protest where people marched and protested racism and systemic injustice. This is where Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech.

Protest is an important thing, but without expanding on the reason for societal unrest, it would be ignored by average people and government officials alike. People with societal power would just turn a blind eye to the whole situation. Some people don’t even want to know where their chicken comes from, let alone what’s going on in their own country.

We need to spread a message. A message of love and understanding. We don’t only need the Golden Rule, but we also need a promise. A promise that we will make a change. A promise that we will make such a bright light of peace and equality that the government can’t turn a blind eye. A promise of hope. The Golden Promise.

My Golden Promise is to treat others with the same love, kindness, understanding, and respect whether they are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Republican, or Democrat. I promise that I will think and go back and look at the past and learn from it. I promise I will not turn a blind eye to my friends, family, community, the government if things are wrong. I promise.

This post was written by twelve-year-old Henry Price. He used the “Justice for All” writing prompt for this piece.


16 Responses

  1. Hello Henry, This is the best life summary of all times. Because if u make a promise, that is something for everyone to look forward to, because u have given ur word. All of the things that u talked about in ur GOLDEN RULE assignment, is exactly the way things should b handled. If most adult would remember all of the RULES in life, this world would not b in the fix we’re in today. I know that u will b one to stand up & Be heard, and I promise u, people will listen. I’m sooo proud of u. (THE GOLDEN RULE). Remember REACH FOR THE STARS. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ U.

  2. “From the mouth of babes,” Henry’s word shows great wisdom and great parenting! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you Henry for sharing your written words with us. Fantastic piece and I love the Golden Promise!

  4. Henry this is an awesome piece of literature. It is well written and informative. I am so proud of you, keep up the good work!

  5. Excellent Job Henry!! Keep up the good work. So good to read a great message from one of our future leaders.