Power of Prayer and Philanthropy

The power of prayer and the power of philanthropy converged and made a way for me and four other women from Arkansas to travel to South Africa to attend the 1st ever African Methodist Episcopal Church‘s Young Adult Missionary Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Bishop Michael Mitchell and his wife Supervisor Cordelia Mitchell wanted to make sure the five of us strengthened our resolve to change lives and impact communities through service, so they committed to making this trip a reality for us. Their generous giving of their time and treasure gave us the opportunity to study, connect with other missionaries and public servants, and gain a broader global perspective on service.

Once others in my personal network found out about the summit, the prayers and philanthropy poured in. I received prayers through text, over the phone, and in person. I received handshakes encouraging me to enjoy myself and found money in the palm of my hand. The prayers and philanthropy of my family, friends, church members, and personal supporters gave me the encouragement I needed to go the summit knowing I wasn’t going for myself but for everyone who supported. Their support gave me the strength to “brang my learnin’ home“.

Once prayer and philanthropy show up in tandem, opportunity abounds. One act of kindness from Bishop Mitchell and Supervisor Mitchell sparked others to pray and practice philanthropy. When I learned that I would be attending the conference, I had no idea how strong love, love for me and my fellow missionaries would manifest. I am forever grateful for this opportunity and for the renewed belief that prayer and philanthropy produce positive results!
