5 Prayers for Mothers

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This Mother’s Day, I’ve thought about what motherhood is to me, but also what it might mean to others.  There is no one way to experience motherhood. It’s often complicated, sometimes confusing, but definitely diverse.

I’ve written 5 prayers this Mother’s Day. I pray that the prayers below find their way to those who need them the most.

Prayer For Mothers Raising Children

Dear God,

Thank you for giving life to this world. Your encompassing power fills wombs with greatness and births generations of nations. Daily, you give the gift of motherhood. Thank you! Help each mother open their ears to hear from you in those times when motherhood gets difficult and in those times when it is easy. Guide each mother’s steps as she leads those she raises. Strengthen each mother’s hands so that each touch from her leaves fingerprints of love. Build the arms of mothers so that each embrace is filled with care and protection. Fortify the minds of mothers so their decisions will not harm. Open the eyes of mothers so they will see the emotional needs of her seed. I ask that each mother never underestimates her role in mothering. Lord, thank you for hearing and answering this prayer. Amen.

Prayer For Mothers Who’ve Experienced Loss

Dear God,

You have enough room for all burdens. You wrap my burdens in your arms so I won’t have to carry them. Thank you for being an altar for all of my pain. I come to you with burdens and I need to release. Free me from the pain I feel from my loss and fill me with peace. Free me from the pain of grief and fill me with gladness. Free me from the pain of anger and fill me with understanding. Free me from the pain of loss and fill me with closure. I ask that the power of your love helps me understand that you control life and loss. Some days I feel broken, so I ask that you put me back together again. I trust you with my burdens and I release them to you. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen.

Prayer For Non-custodial Mothers

Dear God,

You are the chief architect and you created the life that I birthed into your world. My child is not directly in my care, but they are in your hands. Encompass them with your love and protection as they tackle this journey called life. Help fill the space that separates me and my child with love and understanding. Bless and keep those who you called to care for and raise my birth child. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen.

Prayer For Aspiring Mothers

Dear God,

You are Hope. I trust that through you, all things are possible, even motherhood. I pray for the opportunity to become a mother. While you are preparing me for this great responsibility, I ask that you equipment with everything I need to raise a child. I ask that your power, grace, and love envelop me on my journey to motherhood. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen.

Prayer for Mothers Estranged from Their Children

Dear God,

You are the Repairer of Breaches. Even estranged relationships aren’t too difficult for you to repair. I long for a repaired relationship with my estranged child. I pray for a relationship where peace, smiles, and even sincere hugs are the norm. I pray that you heal all the pain and harmful memories from our relationship. I pray that you prepare us both for our reconnection, so when you lead us back together, we are both ready for the repair. Keep me as I prepare for this repair. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen.
