TIME Magazine’s Strategy for Service


“I believe service can help us deal with a multitude of national problems, from unemployment to education to adapting immigrants to American society. And it can work together to get big things done for our country.” – Richard Stengel, Managing Editor of TIME Magazine

The Giving Net is very excited about TIME Magazines’ 2013 service issue. Richard Stengel announced that this summer TIME and the Aspen Institute’s Franklin Project is convening a nation service summit in Aspen, CO. The plan of action for this relationship is to promote universal service for every 18-28-year-old and proposes that the GI Bill support returning veteran who want to do a year of civilian service in organizations like Team Rubicon or Mission Continues.

This plan also gives every young American the option of serving in one of five branches of the military or one of a number of civilian national-service corps. Their plan also calls for every young professional-lawyers, healthcare professionals and business persons-to use their skills to aid those in need. Through this work, they want to create positions for 1 million full-time civilian-national service workers.

Additionally, through this plan, colleges and universities, nonprofits, faith-based groups and social enterprises can become certified as national service organizations and offer full-time service positions.

TIME and Aspen are both powerful forces and when they speak people listen. With this announcement, The Giving Net’s hope is that not only professionals, but those who could potentially be impacted by the services have a seat at the table and help make decisions about how best to carry out this strategy.

Our organizational vision is that everyone give to the “people network” through service, but rather than a draft for service or another government supported service program, how do we build a culture of service where a draft or program isn’t needed? How do we create a culture where service is a part of what we do and who we are? One way The Giving Net believe this is done is through storytelling and story sharing. When we share stories about how service has impacted our lives or how we have impacted other’s lives through service, people are encouraged to start or continue serving. These stories can be shared with neighbors, friends, strangers, coworkers or through larger platforms like television or radio, but ultimately, stories of service need to be told!

How do YOU encourage others to serve?
