Election 2020: Ten Random Thoughts from an Armchair Expert

Election 2020

The 2020 Presidential Election is over and now the analysis begins. Strategists, politicians, statisticians, and armchair political scientists like me are sharing thoughts about the successes and failures of each campaign.

One of the biggest successes is the number of voters who voted.  Enthusiastic voters shattered records. Another success is Joe Biden‘s win. It’s hard to beat an incumbent politician in any election, both locally and nationally, but the Biden campaign prevailed. (Jim Clyburn‘s early endorsement set the stage for Biden’s presidency.)

One failure of this election is 45 and his ilk’s insistence that massive cheating and fraud are the only two reasons Biden received the most votes of any candidate in American history. 45’s disparaging of this democratic process is worse than rude parents at basketball games that swear cheating is the only reason their kid’s team lost 100 to 30. This is insanity.

Another failure is 45’s press conference on Thursday, November 5th. The speech sounded like an angry concession speech even though he’s vowed not to concede. 

Lastly, 45’s Twitter tantrums and Fox Entertainment Network‘s response are failures. Purposely spreading lies about the election does nothing but erode trust and adds fuel to conspiracy theories. 

It is my hope that voter enthusiasm continues as two Senate seats are up for grabs in Georgia. It is also my hope that public service and servant leadership return to the White House and beyond. 

Election 2020 Randomness

  1. I’m writing Stacey Abrams a love letter
  2. I am happy to be in the Army of the Lord and the Army of Black women voters
  3. Unions and Black Organizers matter and made the difference
  4. All states need to count early votes before election day
  5. The Electoral College needs abolishing
  6. Refreshing profile pages of stats nerds on Twitter became my election week hobby
  7. It’s just hitting me that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is a trailblazer in American politics
  8. Don’t speak bad ’bout dead people – John Lewis and John McCain
  9. Abby Phillip needs her own show
  10. COVID is still real

