My Love Letter to You, Yes You

Love Letter to Readers

To My Dear Readers,

Somehow, we found our way to each other through words. You are here, now, reading this because of words. I might know you personally or not, but please know that I am thankful for you.

Today, I celebrate my birthday and I am full of love and gratitude for you. Each letter that I write, each word that I put together, and each sentence I create comes from an intimate part of me. When I am moved to share with you, I do. I am honored when you read.

I spent over thirty years trying to find my voice, now I am learning how to use it. You are an important part of my coming-of-age story.  Through you, I understand the power of words to connect, create, heal, and help. Words can also disconnect, destroy, hurt, or discourage, but I choose not to use my words in those ways. 

Gratitude is one way I show humility. I am grateful to you. Your support gives me the courage to keep writing and witnessing. 

If you read my blog musings, Everyday Prayers for Servant Leaders, my poems, and my social media post, thank you!

If you’ve sent me encouraging snail mail or emails or written comments on this blog, social media, or via text, thank you!

If you’ve purchased books for yourself or others, thank you!

Lastly, help me unscramble these letters, make some words, and then create a sentence. v, y, u, i, e, o, l, o—I Love You!

Much love,

Andrea D. Price



7 Responses

  1. Well said and beautifully stated. We love you back. Your journey is not an alone one.

  2. Happy Birthday Andrea! 🎂🎁💜🎊🎉
    I love how you share your gift of language and not to mention the fruits and vegetables of your garden. Wishing you a phenomenal day and year, I am looking forward to seeing more prayers, poems and writings from your heart .
    Peace & Blessings